
Cable Car Guide

We worked with Chronicle Books to produce and publish a content-rich guide about San Francisco’s world-famous cable car. This guide is packaged with a booklet that provides information about the history of cable cars and how they work with a handy map for sight seeing local historical landmarks. Also included in the set are two paper punch-out cable car models that come to life when folded and a working rotating turnstile. This is an informative and entertaining product that captivates the attention of both local San Franciscans and visiting tourists of all ages.

 The punch-out cable cars transform from a flat sheet into a dimensional model. It is held together using flaps and requires no glue or scissors.

The punch-out cable cars transform from a flat sheet into a dimensional model. It is held together using flaps and requires no glue or scissors.

 A guide booklet and two punch-out cable cars come in the envelope that also transforms into a cable car turntable.

A guide booklet and two punch-out cable cars come in the envelope that also transforms into a cable car turntable.

 This spread that breaks down the anatomy of the cable car and illustrates how its systems work.

This spread that breaks down the anatomy of the cable car and illustrates how its systems work.

 A closeup of the map page indicating all the path and all the main tourist attractions along each line.

A closeup of the map page indicating all the path and all the main tourist attractions along each line.

 Illustrations of San Francisco landmarks for the Cable Car Guide.

Illustrations of San Francisco landmarks for the Cable Car Guide.

 This spread gives the viewer a history of cable car beginning with its origins to rebuilding.

This spread gives the viewer a history of cable car beginning with its origins to rebuilding.

 A closeup of the folded cable car and guide on the rotating turntable.

A closeup of the folded cable car and guide on the rotating turntable.

 A spread about the impact of the cable car   in popular culture.

A spread about the impact of the cable car
in popular culture.

 A closeup of a spread that features the fascinating handlettered typography used on various cable cars.

A closeup of a spread that features the fascinating handlettered typography used on various cable cars.