Stars & Stripes Projects
The Stars & Stripes Foundation is a nonprofit organization that was founded by my former creative director, and avid flag collector, Kit Hinrichs. It focuses on America’s cultural history through the exploration of the role of the nation’s banner in times of peace, war, protest, and celebration. We were involved in many projects to educate the American public of the rich history of flag by cataloging historical flag artifacts and creating traveling exhibitions, awareness posters, products, publications and postal stamps.

We were commissioned by the USPS to designed a flag stamp in honor of the bicentennial of the Flag Act of 1818.

We also designed a few more stamps for the USPS including the current flag stamp.

We created a boxed postcard set featuring images from Kit Hinrich’s flag collection.

We designed a poster for an AIGA series inspiring Americans to vote in the upcoming 2016 election.

We created a promotional folding flag for Calitho Lithography to celebrate Independence Day.

We were asked by the San Francisco Center for the Book to create artwork for a large steam roller print.

We were commissioned by Classic Color to create a promotional poster featuring 12 interpretations of the American flag.

We created an exhibition titled “The Flag on Paper”and designed the branding and catalog.